5th & 6th Grade
Learning Targets
*These are YEAR-ROUND learning targets that we work on for TWO grades. Many of you can already show me "hints" that you are a MASTER of these goals. See if you can choose a couple of these to work on at home!*
I can perform music in easy keys, meters, and rhythms with limited ranges, both instrumentally and vocally.
I can model good posture and technique when I am singing and playing instruments.
I can identify and read musical notation, symbols, and dynamics (low/soft).
I can listen to and describe simple examples of the elements of music including pitch, rhythm, tempo, dynamics, form (ABA, Rondo), meter, phrases, style, and major/minor (happy/sad, spooky) harmony.
I can use my knowledge of technique, musical notes/symbols, style and dynamics to compose and perform a song.
I can use my knowledge of technique, musical notes/symbols, style and dynamics to create or perform song of different styles and genres.
I can describe and apply the steps of creative problem-solving to work with other musicians. When many musicians work together, it is called an ensemble.
I can make positive choices that will lead to success in music (time management, interactions with other musicians, practicing, goal-setting).
I can describe how the performing arts help people understand history and/or world cultures.
I can describe how the arts apply to other subjects (for ex.: Counting rhythms is just MATH).
I can describe the contribution of the arts on lifestyle and career choices (for ex.: Without composers, Jurassic Park wouldn't have ANY MUSIC).
I can describe and compare art forms.
I can identify and demonstrate positive skills necessary to get along with others and participate in the arts.